السبت، 23 أكتوبر 2010

درس الكتابة بالشكولا السائل

Set up your Canvas

First create a new canvas in Photoshop that's 1500x1000px.
Set up your Canvas
Grab the Donut image (found HERE) and import it into your stage, sitting it in the top left corner of your canvas. Grab the Gradient Tool (G) and on a new layer, make a radial gradient using the colors #ffffff and #e7e7e9
Create the Background
Name your layers appropriately and use a large, soft Eraser brush to blend the edges of the donut photo into your background.
Name your Layers

Write your Text

Grab a smooth, simple font like Hobo Std and write out what you want to 'Jamify'. We used Hobo Std set to 200pt and changed its mode to 'Smooth'. Make sure each word is on a different layer.
Seperate your layers
Select each word you've written and press CTRL/CMD+T and rotate them a little bit.
Use Transform Tool to Skew your text

Start to Modify your text

Grab the Text tool (T) and Right-Click on the text and select 'Create Work Path' from the drop down menu.
Create a Work Path
Hide the Text Layer from view so you only have the Path in view.
Hide your text layer
Use the Add and Delete Anchor Point Tools to get rid of pointy edges and exaggerate the outline of the text into a more flowing motion.
Move your Anchor Points
Use the Path Selection Tool to select Anchor points along the text and tweak/play around with them until you get the text looking like it's all one piece, which assuming it was made of jam, it would be.
Use the Path Selection tool
Once you're happy with your paths, Select them all using the Path Selection Tool and Right-Click>Make Selection. Feather the Selection by 1px and make sure that Anti-Aliasing is checked, this will help smooth any leftover hard edges.
Make a Selection
Hit Ok and you should have something that looks like this:
Make a Selection

Color it and and some Styles

Click the 'Create New Layer' icon in your Layers palette and and fill your selection with #771b22.
Fill your Selection
Press CTRL/CMD+D to deselect. Right-Click the Layer that we've just filled and select Blending Options. Create a Drop Shadow with the following options: Blend Mode: Overlay, Opacity: 81%, Angle 120 (Use GLobal Light unticked), Distance 31px, Spread 0%, Size 14px.
Apply Layer Styles
Next we'll add a Bevel and Emboss with these settings: Style: Inner Bevel, Technique: Smooth, Depth: 271%, Direction: Down, Size: 10px, Soften: 0px, Angle: -20, Altitude: 75. Click on Glass Countour and select 'Cone - Inverted' from the drop down menu, press ok.
Apply Layer Styles
Next we'll add some Texture. Tick Texture in the Layer Styles panel and in the pattern drop down menu select 'Grayscale Paper', hit Append.
Add Texture
Now you'll have some new patterns in the panel, if you hover your mouse over them for a bit, you'll see what each one is called, we want the pattern called 'Fibers 1'. Then set the Scale to 501% and Depth to -6%.
Apply Layer Styles
Now, select Pattern Overlay and select the same 'Fibers 1' pattern from the list. Set the Blend Mode to Lighter Color, Opacity to 10% and Scale to 358%. These effects will give the text a more uneven 'Jam-like' texture.
Apply Layer Styles


The text is looking a little bit too uniform to be realistic, real spilled Jam would be messier and not so smooth, so we're going to use Liquify to fix that. With the text layer selected go to Filter>Liquify. Change the brush size to approximately 200px and make sure the Turbulence tool is selected.
Liquify your Text
Once you've gone over the whole word and you're happy with the results hit ok. You should have something similar to this:
Rinse and Repeat
Rinse and Repeat

Rinse and Repeat

Repeat these steps for all the words on your canvas. So that you don't have to go through all the styles one by one again, simply Right-Click on the first words layer and select 'Copy Layer Style' then Right-Click on the next words layer and select 'Paste Layer Style'.
Copy Layer Styles
Apply what you've learned on the other words

Add some Finishing Touches

Now create a new layer, Right-Click it and select 'Paste Layer Style' to paste in the jam style we copied earlier. Next grab the Brush Tool (B). Pick a brush about 60px big and set the hardness to 95%. Open up the Brushes palette (Window>Brushes), select Shape Dynamics and set the Size Jitter to 12% and set Control to Fade.
Create some Splatters
Draw some Jammy stains around your text, the brush will taper off due to the effects we added in the Brushes palette. Play around until you have some splats that you think look good!
Your final image should look something like this:
Final Image
As always the PSD for this file is available for download below.
Download the PSD

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Abu Dharr al-Ghifari