السبت، 23 أكتوبر 2010

درس الكتابة على رمل الشاطئ

Final Image

Set your scene

Firstly, grab an image of the beach to use as your base, the image we used can be found here:
Open this up in photoshop, Right click on the layer and select 'Duplicate Layer' hit Enter. Set the duplicated layers mode to Multiply and lower its Opacity to 50%.
Set your scene
This will give your image a little more depth. Right click on the top layer and select 'Merge Down'. Rename the merged layer 'Sand'.

Write out your text

Create a Folder and name it 'Text'. To make it easier later, separate every word onto a different layer within the folder. Use a handwritten style font. We used 'Hannibal Lecter' which can be found HERE. Use your judgement in regards to the size required. I used 200pt for the large text and 100pt for the smaller text. Also, use the kerning tool and your judgement to increase/reduce the space between letters so that they flow together nicely.
Write out your text
Right click the 'Text ' Folder and select Duplicate Group. Then hit CTR/CMD + E to merge the duplicate group onto a single layer. Hide the 'Text' folder from view.
Go do Edit>Transform>Perspective and give the text some depth.
Skew your text layers
CTRL/CMD Click on the layer we just skewed to make it a selection.
Make a selection
Go to the Channels tab (Window>Channels) and select Create New Channel at the foot of the palatte. Fill your selection with white. Go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and apply a blur of 5px.
Make your first Alpha Channel
Select the RGB channel at the top of the Channels palette and return to the Layers Palette (Window>Layers). Copy the 'Sand' Layer by Right Clicking on it and selecting Dupicate Layer. Rename the Duplicate layer 'Inner Sand'
Duplicating layers
Start to build the texture of sand
Disable visibility of the all text layers and with the 'Inner Sand' layer selected go to Filter>Render>Lighting Effects. Apply the following Light Effect: Light Type: Directional, Negative 28, Gloss -31, Material -40, Exposure 0, Ambience 8, Texture Channel: Alpha 1, Height 100. Make sure 'White is High' is unticked.
Apply Light Effects
Now Select the Magic Wand Tool, make sure contiguous is unticked, go to the Channels Palette (Window>Channels) and highlight all the black in the Alpha 1 channel. Now select the RGB channel and head back to the Layers Palette (Window>Layers). Click on the 'Inner Sand' layer and go to Layer>Layer Mask>Hide Selection
Make a Selection
Layer Mask
Download and open up the Sand brush pack which can be found HERE. Open up the Brushes Palette (Window>Brushes) and Apply the Following Changes
Defining the Sand Brush
Defining the Sand brush
Defining te Sand brush
CTRL/CMD Click the Merged Text layer to get a Selection again,  go to your Channels Palette (Window>Channels) And create a new channel. Now go to the paths palette (Window>Paths) and select the Make Work Path at the Bottom of the window.
Create a Work Path
Now make sure the channel we just created is selected in your Channels Palette (Window>Channels), Select your Brush Tool, make the Sand brush 10px, Opacity 100% and Flow 80%. Go to the Paths Palette (Window>Paths). Right Click the Work Path we create and select Stroke Path. Use the Brush and make sure the color is white.
Stroke the Work Path
Right Click the Work Path and select Stroke Path again. Now use the brush tool to brush a bit around the edges that weren't covered by the Strokes we just made.
Select the RGB layer in the Channels Palette (Window>Channels) then go back to the Layers Palette (Window>Layers). Duplicate the Sand Layer again and name it 'Outer Sand'. Go to Filter>Render>Lighting Effects and Apply the same lighting filter as before except this time under Texture Channel select 'Alpha 2' and make sure that White is High is ticked.
Use Lighting Effects again
Now our sand effect is starting to take shape! By now you should have something that resembles this:
What you should have by now
To Finish off the Image we're gonna apply a Levels Adjustment, go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Levels and apply the below adjustments. Also, select the 'Inner Sand' layer and lower its Opacity down to 70%.
Levels Adjustment
That's it! We're Done! I'd love to see what variations you guys can come up with!
Final Image
As always the PSD to this tutorial can be downloaded below.
Download the PSD

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Abu Dharr al-Ghifari